Site Map of To the Point - Editing Proofreading & Resume Services
Company Information
- Editing Proofreading &
Resume Services
Home page - This page gives a general description of our services and an overview of the procedures employed.
- About
About includes reflections on Shelly Rosenberg's background and the development of the business of Editing Proofreading and Resume Services.
- Testimonials
Satisfied clients have sent letters praising the work done for them. I am proud of this and will continue to strive to do the best work possible for all clients.
- Payment Information
I try to make the business side of the operation as smooth and as easy as possible. This page explains the payment options available when paying for services rendered.
- Contact Information
This form allows website visitors to communicate and to ask questions or request information about the services or website.
Editing & Proofreading Services
- Editing Service
This is the most popular service. Details of the editing service are outlined on this informative page.
- Book Editing &
Editing and Proofreading services are always needed for books before they are submitted to a publisher. You need to correct any errors before entering into the competitive world of publishing.
- Technical Editing Service
I edit and proofread a large number of technical papers. This service requires specialized attention, which is reviewed on this webpage.
- Website Editing
Website editing and proofreading is a unique service. It is an imperative service designed for anyone who creates, publishes or maintains a webpage or a website.
- Proofreading Services
Proofreading only services may be appropriate to some clients' needs. This service is explained and differentiated on this page.
- Resume Services
This service is provided to assist job seekers in preparing a resume that will help describe why they should be considered for employment at the businesses in which they desire to be employed.
- Resume Worksheet
This worksheet can be used when requesting resume services. It can be downloaded to your computer so that you can fill in all the information and return it to me.
- Editing &
Proofreading for Students - Ph.D. - Masters
Students including Ph.D. candidates and Master degree students generally must submit a detailed dissertation or thesis in order to acquire their degrees. Most students are required to write term papers and other writings in a large number of courses. These people all benefit from the editing and proofreading services.
- Editing &
Proofreading for Authors - Writers
The author or writer of a fiction or non-fiction book is usually wanting to publish that work. The services of editing and proofreading are final steps that are offered in this exciting process.
- Editing &
Proofreading for Website Designers
Website designers can create a beautiful website but their work will not be showcased unless the information presented in the website is error free. This editing and proofreading service is designed to assist the website designer and their client to attain this significant goal.
- Editing & Proofreading
for ESL - English as a Second Language
Many people, for whom English is not their first language, need to write term papers, manuscripts, books and other papers in English. Editing and proofreading for the esl writer is an extremely gratifying aspect of this business and has been a major success.
Articles & Newsletters
This page directs you to articles in the form of newsletters. These newsletters contain useful information for all writers, job seekers, students and other users of the services of editing, proofreading and resume services.
- Tips
There are several common grammatical errors that we encounter frequently. Here are some tips to help clients understand how to avoid these errors.
Site Map
This site map is designed in an outline form to help the website visitor to navigate easily among the pages of this website. The format is designed to allow for expansion as pages, articles, links and other information are added.
Additional Pages
- Privacy Policy
I am proud of the strict policy that respects the privacy of my clients. Please review this page and ask any questions that you may have.
- Track Changes
This is an article explaining how Track Changes works. Track Changes is the feature used when editing your documents.
This page lists the countries where I have clients. It also lists the US states where clients live.