Editing Service
Editing service features
This service includes proofreading your work, correcting spelling errors, correcting wrong words, correcting typos, correcting grammatical errors, ensuring clarity and reworking sentences or complete sections without changing your unique style. All this is done at a very economical rate with easy payment options. See Fees section below.
Time Saving
This service will save you time. You as a writer of a book, manuscript, thesis or paper, want to write ideas and stories. Your content is extremely important to you. But, the mechanics and flow can often take up so much time and energy. This is where the editing service can save you time. You spend your time developing content and the ideas. The editing service will save you time by restating the awkward statements, correcting the typos and other errors and revising the flow.
This editing service is used by authors, writers, business owners, ESL (English as a second language) scholars, Ph.D. candidates writing their theses or dissertations, Master's degree candidates, students, website designers and business managers.
Proofreading plays a major role in the process of editing. Proofreading includes checking for typographical errors, misspellings, and incorrect punctuation. However, our editing service includes much more than proofreading alone.
Spelling errors
Most spelling errors are detected by spell check tools in your word processor. My editing service will go beyond this function in detecting spelling errors in your text. How do I do this? First let's explore just how most spell check software works. Simply, any word that is not in the dictionary of the spell check software is flagged as a spelling error. You as a user of the software can add special words to the dictionary. This may include names or words that are specific to your company or business but are not included in the original dictionary. So, if a word is in the dictionary, it will not be flagged as a spelling error. This editing service is designed to find spelling errors that are not found by your spell check software. See the discussion of wrong words for a more complete explanation of this editing service feature.
Wrong words
A wrong word may not be detected by the spell check software but is found by this editing service. Here is an example of what I mean. Review this familiar adage: "Familiarity breads contempt." Well look at it carefully! There is a spelling error in this adage as written. But the spell checker did not flag it as an error. The word bread is in the dictionary. This is a wrong word that would not be picked up by the spell check software but would be found by our editing service. Right, it should say, "Familiarity breeds contempt."
Typos (or typographical errors) and other errors in your book, manuscript, article or paper may give your reader a lasting poor impression of you. Email has become a very popular form of communication. It is like informal conversations. We often see typos in emails. Many people have come to accept this. But, they do not accept these types of errors in more formal writings. Typos are found and corrected by our editing service.
My editing service will ensure clarity by reworking confusing statements. The author of a work is so close to and passionate about the work that he/she may not see that some statements are confusing or misleading. The editing service process sees the work from the vantage point of the reader and can rework those awkward statements. This can especially help to make a fuzzy point clear.
Writers cannot see errors
Most writers cannot see their errors in writing. I have edited books by writers who say that they have read their books hundreds of times but did not see the errors that I have pointed out. This is because most people read phrases and do not look at every word. The writer of the work, especially, knows what was intended to be written and sees the intended word and not the error.
Grammatical errors
Grammatical errors found in works create a feeling of concern by a reader. These errors give an impression of a lack of education or training. If there are grammatical errors in your promotional brochures, how will your customers feel about doing business with you? Grammatical errors are corrected while I employ this professional editing service.
Unique style and purpose
You, as a writer, have a definite style and purpose. It is important that your particular style and purpose be conveyed to your readers. It is not the job of our editing service to remove this important element from your work. I will make corrections and refinements to your work without changing your unique style or purpose.
Technical papers
Many of my clients have written technical papers for a Ph.D. thesis, a Master degree dissertation or a technical journal. These papers are handled using a special editing service that is designed to maintain the integrity of the technical information while ensuring that any grammatical or typographical errors are corrected.
ESL writers
ESL or English as a second language writers make up a large number of my clients. People for whom English is not their first language often have problems with verb forms, verb tenses, plurals, agreements within sentences, capitalization and sentence structure. These issues are addressed with this editing service.
If your work needs a specific formatting style, I can apply this formatting to your text. Just send me the requirements when you send the document. The formatting will be done according to the specifications for an additional fee.
Editing fees are between USD .039 and USD .04 per word. For instance, the editing fee for a 5,000 word paper would be between USD 195 and USD 200. I accept PayPal payments as well as Venmo. See payment procedures and other payment options.
There is no minimum or maximum size to a work that can be submitted for this editing service.
View the sample work to see how your paper will look with changes after we have completed our editing service.
Please review the privacy policy. Feel confident that your work will remain confidential. I value your privacy.
Submit your work for this editing service as an attachment to an email but first contact me using the contact form. I will send information on the submission process.