Editing and Proofreading for Website Designers
Editing & Proofreading
As a website designer, your mission is to design a website that will attract business for your client. You will no doubt be concentrating on a design that is pleasing and inviting. Your client, however, is going to supply you with the information to be written on the website pages. If this information is not well written, the result will be a reflection not only of your client, but of you. The visitor to this website will see the whole package. Therefore, it is in your best interest, and that of your client, to have the information on the designed website error free and grammatically correct. This website proofreading and editing service is dedicated to ensure these qualities.
Your Procedures - My Procedures
I will work with you in any way that best meets your needs. You can just refer your client to me and have them work with me to edit and proofread their website information. Or you can work with me directly and forward your client's website information to me.
Fees for editing and proofreading are between USD .039 and USD .04 per word. If your site is 10,000 words, the fee is between USD 390 and USD 400. The preferred methods of payment are Venmo and PayPal. See the Payment Information page for more payment options.
Submitting Your Work
Submit your work as an attachment to an email. First contact me using the contact form and I will send instructions for submitting your work. The work should be in Word format.
The Edited Work
The edited work will be returned with corrections, additions, deletions and suggestions noted. You will then be able to apply the changes to your original document. You will be able to choose which suggestions to implement and make the changes that you wish to make.
On-going Support
I will continue to work with you on your information for as long as it takes for you to have a complete, error-free and well-written document to be published on your well-designed website.