Proofreading Services
Proofreading services include checking for misspellings, typographical errors and punctuation mistakes.
The definition of Proofreading by the Association of American Publishers. M. Scheuermann follows. Proofreading: A final proofing of the manuscript, usually focused on cleaning up any typographical errors before the manuscript is typeset.
Final step
As stated above, proofreading is a final step in the editing process. If your manuscript has been reviewed and edited it may be ready for the final step of proofreading. This proofreading service will be applied to your work ensuring a clean error free result.
Published books
I have found typographical errors and misspellings in virtually every book that I have read. It is amazing to me that so many books reach the public with errors remaining in the text. It is my desire to make sure that my clients' final manuscripts do not have any errors.
Typos and other errors in your book, manuscript, article or paper give your reader a lasting poor impression of you. Most writers cannot see their errors. That is why all writers can benefit from proofreading services.
Privacy Policy
I am proud of my privacy policy that is designed to ensure complete confidentiality to my clients.
Upon receiving your work I will evaluate it and see if it is truly ready for final proofreading. I will inform you as to whether it needs my editing service or if it is a candidate for the final proofreading services.
The fee for proofreading services is USD .029 per word (under three cents per word). I accept PayPal payments. Visit the payment information page for other payment options.
I will proofread your work with amazing accuracy.
Here is a sample of how your work will look after proofreading services are completed.
Submit your work for proofreading services as an attachment to an email but first contact me using the contact form. I will send instructions regarding the submission of your work. In the case of very long manuscripts, there are several options we can use.