Editing & Proofreading for Authors - Writers
Editing & Proofreading Services
These editing & proofreading services are designed to assist authors and writers in eliminating grammatical errors, typographical errors and spelling errors. This service also looks for inconsistencies and confusing text and makes recommendations to fix these problems.
Errors in Print
I recently read a best-selling historical novel. I was reading for enjoyment. But, still my "editing and proofreading gene" kicked in. I found several errors in this magnificent book. I cannot help it. Errors just jump out at me. I know that not everyone reading this book would find all of these errors. But, some reader would undoubtedly find each of the errors. I contacted the author and complimented him on the outstanding book. I also informed him of the errors that I had found. He was extremely grateful for my comments about the book and truly appreciated my "astute pickups." He said that he was sending my list of errors and corrections to his publisher to be fixed in the next printing of this book. It still astounds me that so many books get published and printed with errors.
Authors Write With Their Hearts
When an author is writing a story or manuscript, he or she is deeply involved in the development of the plot, the characters and the dialogue. This author is writing with a passion from the heart and is extremely close to the book. He or she is often not concerned with the mechanics. That is why the service of proofreading and editing is so appropriate for the author or writer. This editing and proofreading service ensures that these mechanics are addressed. I am not close to the work in the way the author is. I can edit and proofread the book from the point of view of the reader.
Clarity and Flow
Besides the correcting of grammatical errors, spelling errors and wrong words, I will edit the work for clarity and flow. I will make suggestions for modifications when there is an inconsistency or unclear passage or transition. I will comment on any problems with flow or fluidity of the text.
Formatting Text
Sometimes you are asked to format your text using specific formatting rules. If you wish for me to do this special formatting for you, send me the formatting requirements and I will add this feature for a nominal extra fee.
Any Job Size
I do not limit the size of a job for these editing and proofreading services. After your book has been edited and proofread, you may have some advertising media, book cover blurbs, articles or other materials that you want to print. Make sure to contact me for these smaller jobs. I will be happy to edit and proofread even the smallest material.
Submitting Your Manuscript
Your book or manuscript should be submitted as an attachment to an email in Word form. First contact me using the contact form. I will send you information about submitting your work. Make sure to keep a copy of your original. You can send the complete manuscript or you can send it in parts or chapters.
Fees for editing and proofreading are between USD .039 and USD .04 per word. For instance, if your book is 25,000 words, the fee is between USD 975 and USD 1000. The preferred methods of payment are Venmo and PayPal. See the Payment Information page for more payment options.
Applying the Corrections and Suggestions
Here is a sample of how your edited document will look after I have edited and proofread it. You will be able to examine each recommended change and suggestion and apply those that you want to incorporate. You will also see several comments throughout the work that are intended to help you make suggestions for possible changes.
I will work closely with you at every stage of the editing and proofreading process. You can contact me at any time during the process with questions. I will be in touch after I have sent the edited manuscript back to you for as long as you need me to be.